Hi-Tech and Most Trusted Charter Air Ambulance in Kolkata with Medical Support

Kolkata is one of the most developed and populated cities in India which is fully connected by air, train, and road with all other cities. You can easily and very fast transfer your very critically ill or injured patient from Kolkata to Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, and other countries by the Medivic Aviation Air Ambulance along with the full medical facilities. Our medical emergency Air Ambulance from Kolkata already transferred many patients safely and securely.

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If your patient is suffering from very critical illness and needs to immediately shift from Kolkata to Delhi and other cities in India take the services of the Medivic Aviation Cost of Charter Air Ambulance in Kolkata at the possible minimum fare. We give both commercial and charter Air Ambulance in Delhi along with the advanced medical facilities for transfer of the emergency and non-emergency patient at the given time.